Ronja wakes up from a nightmare of Birk being frozen in the lake, prompted by the chill of winter around her. Birk and Ronja try to keep warm as autumn becomes colder. Birk remarks that Ronja will soon leave him as it's becoming colder and return to her family. Ronja goes off to get water and finds Mattis crying at the river. Ronja begins crying and runs to her father who takes her in her arms, calling her his child and saying he has his child back. He asks her to come back but Ronja hesitates when she sees Birk nearby. Seeing Birk, Mattis calls him over and asks him to come back with them as Ronja is fond of him. Ronja then speaks to the scowling Birk alone and ends up slapping him after he says he would rather freeze then be Mattis' whipping boy. Ronja tells him life is to be treasured and she would not leave him in the cave for winter as she would freeze with him rather than leave him alone. Birk then agrees to follow Ronja wherever she goes and the two leave the Bear Cave with Mattis. Birk then parts ways to see his family though Mattis has granted permission for the two children to meet and play. Mattis presents the idea of the two robber clans uniting before each child returns to their families.